Monday, October 22, 2012

Final Print

1. The balance was not up to par.  There was way more positive space than negative.  There was a lot of unity, as the whole thing holds together pretty well.  I think it has rhythm and movement as it all there is a lot of movement and it flows together well.
2. I added texture by cutting out the cracks in the desert floor.  Even though this ended up causing problems later on, I thought it was a good way to give the picture some feeling.  The cracks and texture of the floor was supposed to contrast with the spider, which was supposed to be without too much texture.
3. I used negative space to cut out the cracks in the floor and cut out the pattern on the spider's legs.
4. From a technical standpoint, the print was decently made.  While at first I was cutting too deep with my cutting tool, eventually I overcame that obstacle and did a good job with the cutter.  The drawing was a little different.  Even though it looked fine at first, the spider was hard to find once the final print was made.
6. For the most part it was a fun experience.  I liked the cutting out and designing the picture was fun.  I think if I understanded how the print would work from the beginning it could have turned out really good in the end.  The texture could have made it look a lot better than just drawing a spider.  However, all of my own mistakes made it look worse than it could have been.  A disadvantage to doing a print is that you need a lot of both positive and negative space for it to look good, which limits your options.


  1. I really like the desert background on your print, but it is sort of hard to see the spider's legs.
    P.S. Your blog name is really cool.

  2. Me wa wondrin y u use big word in senteces. me small brain dont undastand wat u sayin mane. back in my woods we use small word so wee all undastand each ofa. stay strong me dear friend. remember da struggle. is forreel out dare mane. FIRE GOOD humph humph
